Retread Tires: The Safe, Reliable Choice

Retread Tires: The Safe, Reliable Choice

Retread tires are created by removing a worn-out tire tread and applying a new one, without having to deal with the components required to produce new casings. So, what’s the benefit to you, and why should they take the place of a new tires? To put it simply, retread tires are cheaper, of equal quality and performance, safe, environmentally friendly, and built to last.

Through the retread process, businesses are able to maintain lower production costs, ultimately leading to a lower price for consumers. Since new casings aren’t necessary, all efforts are able to focus solely on the production of new treads. Even though they are cheaper, their fuel efficiency, life span, and overall quality is equal to, if not better than, new tires.

Shrader Tire and Oil has two retread manufacturing plants.

This is where Shrader Tire & Oil can step in. We are the solution to your retread tire needs. As a certified Michelin MRT Retreader, Shrader Tire & Oil recently earned the highest audit scores in the industry. With our nine-step manufacturing process, we ensure efficient and quality results. Our retreads are held to the highest standard and are inspected thoroughly – both digitally and by hand. To support our claims, all of our retreads are backed by a warranty.

Although the myths about retreading may seem alarming, according to the Managing Director of the Tire Retread & Repair Information Bureau (TRIB), studies indicate that retread tires are just as reliable and safe as new tires. As long as they are properly maintained, exactly like how you would with a new set of tires, they will be just as effective.

As more information is uncovered, the demand for retread tires is ever increasing. TRIB states that 89 percent of fleets with 500 trucks or more utilize them. However, it’s not only about the large fleets. As the retread process continues to evolve and improve, fleets across the country, both large and small, are recognizing the benefits of retreading. This is especially true for those considered a part of the last mile.

There is no better application for retread tires than when it comes to box trucks, delivery vans, and other light weight trucks. For companies such as UPS and FedEx, they are a necessity. With such high delivery rates, these types of trucks are constantly turning, accelerating, braking, and damaging their wheels. Retread tires are the most cost-effective solution to the high demand of tires in this industry. The bottom line is that retread tires are here to stay – and it’s for a good reason.

Contact Shrader Tire & Oil today at 800-859-6589 and ask about our retreads. You will be glad you did!

Retreads Reimagined: 7 Retread Myths in the Trucking Industry

Retreads Reimagined: 7 Retread Myths in the Trucking Industry

If you’re in the trucking industry, you’ve heard many myths about retreads. For example, you may think you will save more money by buying and discarding lower priced imports than by retreading quality casings. Or you may believe all the “gators” you see on the road are retreads.

In the Retreads Reimagined video series featured here, we tackle the top 7 myths in the industry and show you how retreads could be a very smart decision for your business.


The overall quality of retreaded truck tires has increased dramatically in recent years with the introduction of advanced technology, including the use of computers in manufacturing and nondestructive tire testing. Retreaded tires have historically made up about 50% of the replacement commercial tire market in the U.S. Fleets know they can rely on retreaded tires to deliver safety, reliability and performance while significantly driving down costs.

When choosing to retread a premium tire using the process of a major manufacturer, you can count on a retreaded tire that will outperform a lesser-brand new tire, and will even deliver mileage that’s on par or better than a new, lesser-brand, cheap import.

Don’t let the old myths keep you from choosing retreaded tires as a safe, effective, environment friendly, cost-effective addition to your fleet’s tire management program. Share these myths and truths with your drivers to assure them of the safety and performance of retreads.

Safety First! Seat Belt Enforcement Blitz Begins

Safety First! Seat Belt Enforcement Blitz Begins

TOLEDO (May 24) — Highway patrols in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and West Virginia are joining forces this week on a safety belt enforcement blitz. The special enforcement will continue through Memorial Day.

The high-visibility enforcement will include the Indiana State Police, Kentucky State Police, Michigan State Police, Pennsylvania State Police and the West Virginia State Police, as well as Ohio State Highway Patrol.

The initiative began at 12:01 am. Monday (May 23) and ends at 11:59 p.m. May 30. It coincides with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s “Click It or Ticket” campaign as well as the Highway Patrol’s Operation CARE All-American Buckle Up Mobilization.

“Properly using a safety belt is a simple step that has proven to save lives,” said Col. Richard Fambro, patrol superintendent for the Ohio State Highway Patrol. “Motorists must commit to buckling up every trip, every time, so they are protected if they are involved in a crash.”

The project is a multistate law enforcement partnership aimed at providing combined and coordinated law enforcement and security services in the areas of highway safety, criminal patrol and intelligence sharing.

Nine people died on Ohio’s roads over Memorial Day weekend 2021. Twenty died in traffic crashes over Memorial Day weekend 2020, according to Highway Patrol statistics.


Operation Safe Driver Week

Operation Safe Driver Week

This week (July 11-17) is Operation Safe Driver Week across the nation.

The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance created Operation Safe Driver Week and the Operation Safe Driver Program to help reduce the number of crashes involving commercial motor vehicles and passenger vehicles. This year’s Safe Driver Week emphasis is on speeding as well as reckless and aggressive driving.

At Shrader Tire & Oil, we are committed to safety first, with our own commercial vehicles as well as with your fleet. Visit our Web site or call us today to find out why Shrader Tire & Oil is your trusted truck tire and lubricant specialist.

During Operation Safe Driver Week, law enforcement personnel will be on the lookout for commercial motor vehicle drivers and passenger vehicle drivers engaging in risky driving behaviors in or around a commercial motor vehicle. Identified unsafe drivers will be pulled over and issued a citation or warning.

“Data shows that traffic stops and interactions with law enforcement help reduce problematic driving behaviors,” said Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) President Sgt. John Samis with the Delaware State Police. “By making contact with drivers during Operation Safe Driver Week, law enforcement personnel aim to make our roadways safer by targeting high-risk driving behaviors.”

CVSA selected speeding as its focus this year because despite a drop in roadway travel last year due to the pandemic, nationally, traffic fatalities increased. According to the National Safety Council’s (NSC) preliminary estimates, the estimated rate of death on roads last year increased 24% over the previous 12-month period, despite miles driven dropping 13%. The increase in the rate of death is the highest estimated year-over-year jump NSC has calculated in 96 years.

In addition to speeding, law enforcement personnel will be tracking other dangerous driver behaviors throughout Operation Safe Driver Week, such as reckless or aggressive driving, distracted driving, following too closely, improper lane change, failure to obey traffic control devices, failure to use a seat belt, evidence of drunk or drugged driving, etc.

CVSA’s Operation Safe Driver Program was created to help to reduce the number of crashes involving commercial motor vehicles and passenger vehicles due to unsafe driving behaviors. Operation Safe Driver Week is sponsored by CVSA, in partnership with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and with support from the motor carrier industry and transportation safety organizations. This initiative aims to improve the behavior of all drivers operating in an unsafe manner – either in or around commercial motor vehicles – through educational and traffic enforcement strategies.


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Flint/Burton Fleet Services


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Fort Wayne Fleet Services


Jeff Brandon

Lima Truck Tire Center


Jeff Brandon

Heath Fleet Services


Jeff Brandon

Toledo (North) Truck Tire Center


Jeff Brandon

Perrysburg Truck Tire Center


Jeff Brandon

South Bend Fleet Services


Jeff Brandon

Ypsilanti Truck Tire Center


Jeff Brandon

Toledo Fleet Service


Jeff Brandon

Warren Fleet Services
