If you’re in the trucking industry, you’ve heard many myths about retreads. For example, you may think you will save more money by buying and discarding lower priced imports than by retreading quality casings. Or you may believe all the “gators” you see on the road are retreads.
In the Retreads Reimagined video series featured here, we tackle the top 7 myths in the industry and show you how retreads could be a very smart decision for your business.
The overall quality of retreaded truck tires has increased dramatically in recent years with the introduction of advanced technology, including the use of computers in manufacturing and nondestructive tire testing. Retreaded tires have historically made up about 50% of the replacement commercial tire market in the U.S. Fleets know they can rely on retreaded tires to deliver safety, reliability and performance while significantly driving down costs.
When choosing to retread a premium tire using the process of a major manufacturer, you can count on a retreaded tire that will outperform a lesser-brand new tire, and will even deliver mileage that’s on par or better than a new, lesser-brand, cheap import.
Don’t let the old myths keep you from choosing retreaded tires as a safe, effective, environment friendly, cost-effective addition to your fleet’s tire management program. Share these myths and truths with your drivers to assure them of the safety and performance of retreads.